Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Unlike other state governors, Virginia governors are not allowed to serve consecutive terms. They have been barred from immediate re-election since the adoption of Virginia's second constitution, in 1830. However, a former governor is permitted to run for a second term in a future election.  

Since 1830, only Mills Godwin, was elected to additional term. Godwin also became the first ever governor in American history to be elected by both major parties when the former Democrat Governor (1966-70) was re-elected in 1973 as a Republican.

Virginia has another tradition, for nearly 50 years, with two exceptions; in 1973 when Governor House & White House was with Republicans and in 2013 McAuliffe (D) got elected when Obama (D) was in White House. Virginians have elected governors from the opposite party of the one that controlled the White House. They seem to favor a balance between state and national politics.

The state population has boomed, it is up by 38 percent since 1990. One in 10 people eligible to vote in the state were born outside the United States, up from 01 in 28 in 1990. 

For years, Virginia has shifted more Democratic and since after the election of (D) Gov. Ralph Northam in 2018, it has become a solid blue state. According to Amy Walter, national editor of The Cook Political Report, which provides analysis of elections and races; in 2018 Democrats succeeded in places where they didn’t in 2006, but also they did well in places that 10 years ago we never would have considered competitive.” It has not voted Republican in a presidential election since 2004 and it has not elected a  Republican to any statewide office since 2009.

Large swaths of Virginia are still very conservative and Trump is popular in those places. In 2016, he won 93 of Virginia’s 133 counties, but it wasn’t enough to take the state & lost to Clinton by 5.4%. In 2020 election, Biden won Virginia with 54.11% of the vote, and by a margin of 10.11%, the best performance for a Democratic presidential candidate since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944. 

This year the contest for Governorship is between a political newcomer and a businessman Glenn Allen Youngkin on the Republican side and former Democrat Gov. Terrence Richard McAuliffe. 

Terry McAuliffe is a life long carrier American politician and better known as consigliere to the Clinton family, few people epitomize establishment socialism better than Terry McAuliffe. He was the 72nd Gov. of VA from 2014 to 2018, chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign and Chair of DNC from 2001 to 2005. He was an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2009 VA Gov. elections. If he wins the 2021 election, he would become the first VA Gov. since Mills Godwin in 1973 to serve two non-consecutive terms.

McAuliffe had his bachelor's degree from the Catholic University of America.  After graduating worked for President Jimmy Carter's re-election campaign, becoming the national finance director at age 22. Following the campaign, he attended Georgetown University Law Center, where he obtained his Juris Doctor degree. He is married to his wife, Dorothy (American attorney), for 33 years and the couple has five children.      


Glenn Youngkin is an American businessman, prior to entering politics, he has spent 25 years at the private-equity firm The Carlyle Group, rising to become its Co-CEO. He is an alumni of Rice University, Harvard University & Harvard Business School. He is married to his wife, Suzanne, for 27 years and the couple has four children. Suzanne, is the founder of Normandy Farm’s  and the President of the Phos Foundation. She is a member of the Meadowlark Retreat Center’s Board of Directors and the Shakespeare Theatre Company. She is also a member of the Equine Medical Center’s Advisory Council at Virginia Tech. She not only support her husband’s policies, also handles issues in the campaign.

Youngkin, who retired from Carlyle in September 2020, described leaving because he felt “called into public service.” His friends say Youngkin’s rise up the professional ladder hasn’t changed him and he remains down to earth, hardworking and humble.

Right from the beginning McAllife has made tying Youngkin to Trump the central attack of his campaign, hoping to link the Republican to a former President who lost VA in both 2016 and 2020. He was banking on that voters' distaste for Trump will be enough to weigh Youngkin down. Other than that McAuliffe has focused on his record from his previous term, but he never offered much of an argument as to why he deserves a second term. He attacks Trump with a passion, but avoids talking about his friend for 4 decades President Biden, whom he helped carry Virginia by 10 points just a year ago.

In his effort to tie Youngkin with Trump, he was supported by President Biden on July 28, 2021.  Biden said in the rally that, "Terry and I share a lot in common. I ran against Donald Trump and so is Terry. And I whipped Donald Trump in Virginia and so will Terry," McAuliffe said in Arlington. "I tell you what, the guy Terry is running against is an acolyte of Donald Trump -- for real." McAuliffe, also calls Youngkin a “Trump wannabe.”

By August, McAuliffe had a 12 points (46-38) lead over Republican Youngkin in VA Gov. race, according to a Roanoke College poll.  On SEP 17, 2021 during the first  election debate, McAuliffe made it clear that Virginia has rejected Donald Trump and his right-wing agenda and will reject Glenn Youngkin this November. 

On the other hand, Youngkin’s campaign had a sluggish start but later on moved into high gear. With no experience as a candidate, and few insider connections or public political views. Youngkin started proving to be a natural campaigner, both connecting with voters and deftly seizing on dissatisfaction with Richmond and Washington. Even GOP lawmaker who were not too supportive, started coming around on Youngkin, after seeing his ability to connect with people as his best attribute. Eventually he got the support of 94% of Republicans in the state.

He started targeting concerns among moderate and swing voters in Northern Virginia about crime, taxes and spending. His support for the police, pledge to protect police officers against individual lawsuits, and effort to paint Democrats as anti-law enforcement were among the issues that forced the voters to take him as a serious challenger.


The voters started responding to his pitch, that I’ll be honest, I’m not a politician. I am a businessman who’s spent the last 30 years raising my family in Virginia, I firmly believe Virginia should be the best and I’m ready to join together with hard working Virginians to make it happen. 

He wants to divide parents from their kids’ classrooms

He wants to remove law enforcement from our communities


He wants to divide Virginia

I refuse to let it happen, that’s why I’m reaching out to Virginians. I firmly believe conservative policies can bring us together and create a country that will thrive for generations to come.


Youngkin spokesperson Matt Wolking responded to McAuliffe's ad against Youngkin, by saying the former governor "opposes requiring a photo ID to vote, which undermines the integrity of our elections and makes it easier to cheat."

"Glenn Youngkin will restore Virginia's photo ID law and make sure it is easy for every eligible person to vote and harder to cheat," Wolking said. "As an American, Glenn Youngkin is absolutely right that in order for Virginia to do well economically, the foundations of our country must be strong, including confidence in the integrity of our elections and Americans' willingness to accept the results of our democratic process."

On September 28, McAuliffe in a debate with Youngkin, was asked to address parental complaints about sexually explicit books and curricula, McAuliffe said: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” After the debate on Sep. 30, 2021 Roanoke College Poll was released, showing McAuliffe’s lead came down to 7 point over Youngkin from 12 points in early Aug. 2021.

Within hours, Team Youngkin made McAuliffe’s quote world famous, via TV ads, social media, Twitter and widespread news coverage.

A Youngkin spot soon showed McAuliffe, on video, repeatedly stating the same position:

“You don’t want parents coming in, in every different school jurisdiction.”

Regarding school agendas: “First of all, this is determined by the State Board of Education and local school boards. And that’s where it should be.”

“You do not want 25 parents picking books.”

“We have a Board of Ed, and we have local school boards who make the decisions about teaching.”


“I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision.”

This brought Youngkin and Virginia Gov. election on the Map of America. The Parental involvement is becoming a potent National Issue in the education of their children and it is gaining traction in all major cities of America.


White fathers and mothers hate Critical Race Theory teaching their sons and daughters that they are genetic racists who must apologize for being born Caucasian. Some black parents loathe CRT for deeming their children eternally oppressed by Whites and, thus, doomed to failure. These parents have packed school board meetings to excoriate CRT, counterproductive mask and vax mandates, gender studies, and more. All of this has driven parents and other voters into the streets.

McAuliffe’s colossal mistake on Sep 28th, was the final nail in the coffin of his own campaign after Biden’s dismal 52% disapproval at national level because of his fiasco to allow 2 mil unauthorized migrants to enter America, high energy prices and abrupt pull out from Afghanistan by leaving its own citizens & allies, and making America a laughing stock of the world. After that the race became a dead-tied at 46 to 46.

To salvage his dying campaign, McAuliffe brought in DNC Chair, Jaime Harrison, Democrat activist, Stacey Abrams , VP Kamala Harris,  First Lady Jill Biden, Former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden made his 2nd visit to the state to help him take the lead back. So far their collective efforts to prop up the candidacy of McAuliffe  has failed miserably rather Obama & Biden both have hurt him by making divisive comments, rants against former President Trump, who is not the candidate and tying Younkin to Trump.

On Oct 23, Former US president Barack Obama urged voters to back the Democrat in a neck-and-neck election touted as a test of the party’s prospects in next year’s midterm elections — casting the Republican as a threat to democracy.

Oct. 26, Biden’s rant hit Trump on everything from his claims of election fraud, the pandemic and the Jan. 6 insurrection. Biden asked, “How well do you know Terry’s opponent?”  “Well, just remember this. I ran against Donald Trump. And Terry is running against an acolyte of Donald Trump.” Toward the end of his speech, he said extremism could come in many forms, it could arrive in a mob-driven assault on the U.S. Capitol. Then Biden added of Youngkin, “it can come in a smile and a fleece vest.” "Virginia, you can't take anything for granted," the president concluded his speech. "Show up for democracy, for Virginia, for the United States of America." Biden said next to nothing about the negotiations on his signature social welfare and infrastructure legislation happening just across the Potomac at the same time.


In the mean time, Youngkin got elevated to the status of the new conservative face surging against the  old establishment. He has succeeded in dismantling Socialism as preached by Democrats. He said, this race has never been this close, we have the chance to start a red wave across this nation. But it starts with winning this race. He told Fox News: “This is no longer a campaign. It’s a movement.”


During the first three weeks of October, Youngkin outraised McAuliffe, while McAuliffe outspent Youngkin, according to reports compiled by the Virginia Public Access Project, a nonpartisan tracker of money in state politics. Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute, also cited a shift in voters’ top issues away from the pandemic, which tends to favor Democrats, and toward the economy and education, where the politics are murkier.

Youngkin's campaign will become a template for the Republicans in 2022 midterm elections, especially for those  in blue states. Youngkin will be elected as Gov of VA on Nov. 3, 2021 to capture the governor’s mansion for the Republican’s to make it the first time since 2009.


The other highlight is the contest between two women of color,  Republican Winsome E Sears is facing off against Democrat Hala S Ayala to be Virginia's next lieutenant governor on November 2, 2021. The Lt. Gov. is popularly elected every four years by a plurality and, unlike the governor, may run for re-election. Of the four lieutenant governors who have been elected since 2002, three were Democrats and one was a Republican. The Lt. Gov. serves as the president of the Virginia State Senate and may cast tie-breaking votes. Virginia is one of 17 states in which the Lt. Gov. is nominated in a separate primary and elected in separate general election from the governor. 

Sears was elected to a majority Black legislative district in 2001! No other Republican has done that in Virginia since 1865: She consequently also became the first (and still only) Black Republican woman elected to the House, the first female Marine veteran, and the first legal Jamaican immigrant woman. She is a mother, wife and has Master’s degree and has built a successful business also. She was also a hard-charging Vice President of the Virginia State Board of Education and received presidential appointments to the US Census Bureau (where she co-chaired the African American Committee) and the Advisory Committee on Women Veterans to the Secretary of  Veterans Affairs. However, she is most proud of her community work leading a men’s prison ministry and as director of a women’s homeless shelter for The Salvation Army.

Ayala is an American Hispanic politician representing the 51st district in the Virginia House of Delegates since 2017.  She defeated four-term Republican incumbent Richard L. Anderson. Ayala and Elizabeth Guzman became the first Hispanic women elected to the House. She has an associate’s degree in psychology from the University of Phoenix. Has formerly worked for the United States Department of Homeland Security as a cybersecurity specialist for 18 years. She also formerly led the Prince William County chapter of the National Organization for Women, serving as chapter president in 2014. She was a volunteer for Barack Obama's re-election campaign in 2012. She also served on the Virginia Council on Women as an appointee of Governor Terry McAuliffe for a term expiring on June 30, 2016. She is a single mother and has two children. She, claims African, Hispanic, Irish and Lebanese ancestry because of  El Salvador native father and an Irish and Lebanese mother. 


Sears or Ayala: both would make history in VA election; either candidate would be the first woman as well as the first woman of color to serve in a post that serves as a launching pad to the governor’s mansion. 5 of the past 10 lieutenant governors went on to become governor. In a University of Mary Washington poll conducted between September 7-13, 2021, 47% of likely voters supported Sears while 41% supported Ayala. Since than Sears has been maintaining this lead over Ayala despite being labeled as too extreme by Ayala.

Sears is voter’s favorite  to be elected as Lt. Gov of VA on Nov. 3, 2021.


Compiled from various sources on internet.

By: Dave Makkar


Congress elections are fixed by both parties in the name of "Redistricting", President is elected with all kinds of money including foreign. 1% owns 43% of the assets another 9% owns 40%, middleclass 10% owns 10% and bottom 80% owns 7%. Currency printing is owned by private billionaires with loyalty to a foreign country. Legal Racial segregation but no one wants to discuss race. Unionized Politicians are ruling this country; the Political, Religious, Business, Media Leaders and Judiciary is more loyal to a foreign country than to America and Americans. Trillions of dollars are spent on wars rather than on America and Americans.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Congressional Elections are Fixed in America


Congressional Elections are Fixed in America

Thursday 05th, September 2013
views (106875)
India with multi party system there to fix an election or all elections for Parliament from a particular state  is a very difficult and expansive task. In India one needs booth capturing, fake voters, gunmen, money and goodies to voters, reservations in jobs, classification under schedule cast/tribe or backward class, Religious Fatwas (dictates) in favor of a particular candidate  and buying off some of the opposing candidates; to fix elections.

In America fixing an Election for House of Representatives with 435 Seats for a particular state is a piece of cake because of 2 party system. All you need is meeting between both party representatives to negotiate for constituencies in that particular state. This is the only country where the Members of the House of Representatives can virtually pick their voters every 10 years under the so called re-districting in hard bargains among both party representatives to create Democrat or Republican Safe constituencies in a particular state. That is the reason America has Blue (Democrat) and Red (Republican) states that makes it extremely difficult in Senate races to change the composition of US Senate with hundred Senators; 2 Senators from each 50 States of America.

Since both parties can pick their voters for House of Representatives that has created Carrier Politicians in America . 29 Representatives are in Congress for 30-56 yrs, 64 are for 20-29 yrs and 118 Representatives are in US Congress for 10-18 yrs. The oldest Representative is 89 yrs old Ralph Hall (R-TX) and is serving for over 31 years. Longest serving is 85 yrs old Rep John Dingell (D-MI) since last 56 years. By age he is tied with Roscoe Barlette (R-MD) in congress for more than 19 years. Both are followed by 83 yrs old John Conyers (D-Mi) who is in congress for more than 47 years. Then by 811/2 yrs old Bill Young (R-Fl) serving the Congress for over 41 years. In the 435 members House 10 members are 80+, 48 members 70+ and 230 members are 60+ yrs old.

Since 1996 writer is the resident of New Jersey the world’s most corrupt and racist state that is legally corrupt and legally racist. This is the only state in the world in 8,000 sq miles for 8.5 mil residents that has 1 State government, 587 local governments for 566 racially segregated towns with over 9,000 Elected Politicians and over 500,000 employees. It is represented by 13 Representatives and 2 Senators in US Congress. The writer has witnessed two Re-districting scams very closely one in 2001 and the other in 2011 to notice how Democrat or Republican safe constituencies are created for local, state and US House of Representatives elections.
Re-districting that should be used to create more compititive Districts is used as a scam run by both parties since 1981 to ensure the winning of the incumbents belonging to both parties for another 10 years. They swap areas to make each others constituency more Democrat or Republican safe. This can safely be called “Incumbent Protection Plan” in which Republicans and Democrats both join together to make sure no incumbant lose his/her seat. After re-districting in 2002 Elections 7 Democrat won with an average of 74.5% and 6 Republicans won with 66.2% of the two party votes. These one-sided margins held through till 2010 barring a close contest in Dist 7 in 2006 and Dist 3 in 2010.  This shows if the partisan majority in a district is more than 55% or so there is almost Zero chance of a challanger winning the election or incumbent losing the election.

In 2011 re-districting the Democrats and Republicans agreed to a deal that virtually protected all the incumbents barring one for the sacrificed district to cut down the number of districts to 12 from 13 because of population loss in New Jersey. In other words they settled for 6-6 split for the future 113TH US Congress rather than creating more competitive districts.

It is a known fact that competitive districts would attract better candidates, bring more transparency and incentivize lawmakers to pay more attention to their constituents. Both parties collectively and individually does not believe in that, they believe their incumbents must have the right to chose their voters. That means if you are a Republican living in a Democrat district or vice versa you have to forget that you can get the Democrat incumbent out. If you are a Republican living in a Republican district your vote is irrelevant because it does not matter who wins. It means public opinion has no role to play even if they want to get rid of the incumbents. The only time incumbents can be defeated is during their own Party primaries only that too if they have become eye sore to their own party bosses. If the incumbent retires or die in office in that situation voters get a new choice.

U.S. Voting Rights Act and the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution guarantee the preservation of any Congressional districts in which a single minority group currently makes up a majority of the population. As a result, the African-American majority Dist 10 represented by Rep. Donald Payne (D) for last 23 years and the Hispanic majority Dist 13 represented by Rep. Albio Sires (D) since 2006 must be preserved as majority-minority districts. Re-districting Commission preserved them by picking population from surrounding areas to meet the equal population requirements with other districts. Donald Payne died in office early this year and his son Donald Payne Jr won the special election for his remaining term as well the primary for November election to preserve the legacy and incumbency of his father. He is sure to win in the November general elections and the same is true for Albio Sires (D) to win in his old Dist 13 re-Christian as Dist 8 now.

Minority groups represent almost 40% of New Jersey's population, but Sires and Payne are the only two minority representatives in New Jersey's current 13-member delegation. They will be the only 2 minority members of new Congress in 2012 from NJ.

Districts 2, 3, 4 under Republican incumbants and Dist 1 under a Democrat were virtually left alone to make sure no incumbent from either party loses in coming elections. Dist 3 of first term rookie Jon Runyan (R) was rather made more safe by removing Cherry Hill, a Democratic stronghold from his district and replacing it with the predominantly Republican Brick. The Democrats were planning to seriously challenge Runyan in 2012 but now no more.

The only choice commission had was to merge remaining 7 Districts into 6 in order to reduced the number of Congressional districts from 13 to 12.  So Democrat Dist 6, 8, 9 & 12 and Republican 5, 7 & 11 were redistricted to come up with 6 Districts. The old Dist 13 of Albio Sires (D) was also re-named as Dist 8.

Incumbent Rep Steven Rothman (D) Dist 9 became the victim of re-districting Scam by both parties. In this Scam pitting an incumbent Democrat against an incumbent Republican is seen more unfair than pushing two incumbent Democrats or two Republicans into the same district. Rothman ended up in a rare incumbent vs. incumbent fight with fellow Dist 8 Rep. Bill Pascrell (D) for the redrawn district 9 in June this year. According to media reports the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee offered Rothman a cool $2 million to challenge Republican Scott Garrett for the control of Dist 5 in November Elections. Rothman turned it down. Instead, he decided to challenge Bill Pascrell in his old district, or what's left of it in the primary. Unfortunately for him he lost to Pascrell. The win of Bill Pascrell from Dist 9 in Nov. elections is a forgone conclusion.

The writer lives in Congressional District 7. Since 1914 Dist 7 Congressional Seat has always been in the Republican Column barring 1975 to 1981 when it was held by a Democrat Andrew Maguire from Ridgewood . In Nov. 1980 he was defeated by a fellow resident Marge Roukema a Republican. After that only time a serious challenge has ever been given by a Democrat was in 2006 by very popular Assembly Deputy Speaker Linda Stender a carrier politician since 1988. The 2 term incumbent Republican Mike Ferguson won his 3rd term by less than 3000 votes. In 2008 Stender was defeated by current Republican Congressman Lance by a wide margin of almost 30,000 votes. In 2010 Lance defeated Democrat Ed Potosnak by 33,000 votes by re-establishing the Republican style winning of this district by double digit margins of 10-18%. Voters’ turnout in this District has been around 280,000 since 2001.

In last 2 decades Democrats have damaged their own chances of winning the District 7 forever; by annexing pro Democrats towns during re-districting from Dist. 7 to merge them with Dist 12 a Democrat stronghold to make it more safe for sitting Democrat Rush Holt. In 2001 re-districting areas of the former 7th district such as Somerset in Franklin Township (Somerset County) historically Democratic stronghold were moved into the 12th district to shore up the Democratic incumbent Rush Holt's hold. Again in 2011 re-districting Edison and Woodbridge Democrat stronghold area has been moved out of Dist 7 to make it more pro Republican by adding Republican towns like Millburn and Short Hill from Democrat stronghold Essex County.

Even for the New Jersey ’s 40 legislative districts represented by 40 state Senators and 80 Assemblyman either they are Democrat safe or Republican Safe. Practically all of them are represented by carrier politicians protected under “Incumbent Protection Plan”. Only two District 12 and 14 saw an average margin of victory for candidates under 10% during the past 4 elections and can be called competitive districts.

The re-districting scam for state and US House elections has divided America into Red (Republican) & Blue (Democrat) states. New Jersey has not elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate since Clifford Case in 1972 and last voted for a Republican presidential candidate in 1988. The US Senate with 100 members has the same sad story of carrier politicians. 27 Senators are 70-88 yrs old and 37 Senators are 60-69 yrs old. The oldest is 88 years old Senator Lautenberg a Democrat from Blue state New Jersey . 8 Senators between the age of 72-88 yrs old are serving from 31-49 yrs, 16 Senators for over 20 and 23 Senators are serving for over 10 years. 87 years old Daniel Invoye a Democrat from Hawaii has the distinction of longest serving Senator for 49 yrs in the current Senate.

Some of the America ’s founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Madison were strongly in favor of Term Limits for US Senate and House seats. Looking at the sorry state of current 112TH US Congress with Carrier Politicians they must be crying in their graves why they never imposed Congressional term limits. Why they never addressed a potential problem of creating Democrat or Republican safe district in a particular state. The current breed of Politicians in both parties are never going to address the problems of Carrier Politicians and creation of safe Democrat or Republican districts. May be the time has come for the American public to wake up and reform Electoral process as well as Campaign financing laws in America. 

Dave Makkar

The South Asian Insider News New York USA
Also Published in The Indian Panorama News New York USA & various web based News Papers
Also Published in The Indian Panorama News New York USA & various web based News Papers in USA & India.


Presidential Primaries a Fraud by the Rich & Powerful of America



Thursday 05th, September 2013
views (105868)
US VP Biden & Rahm Emanuel Obama & Hillary after spending Billions on Election, all of them laughing at crying George Washington
America is the only country where to select the Presidential candidate by both parties; election campaigns kicks off every 2 years before the actual election for the 4 year Presidential term. The most unfortunate thing is if a sitting President is also in the race for re-election, they become the Campaigning President for their Party for their remaining term of 2 years rather than President of America working for solutions for the suffering Americans.

Some times there are almost a dozen candidates in both parties competing for the respective party’s Presidential candidate nomination. Some of them are there for name, fame and money attached to the coveted title of Presidential Candidate even after losing the race. The caucuses and primary elections/voting starts in January and ends in July of the actual election year for all the 50 states. Then the front runners go to their party’s national convention to be officially nominated as the Presidential Candidate in August for the challenger party or September for the party of the sitting President. Sometimes it can be a brokered convention when there is no clear front runner with the required number of delegates as stipulated by their party to be their Party’s Presidential Candidate. Then the Candidate is decided by the Super Delegates or un-pledged delegates.

In this write-up, you will discover the truth about the chaotic and corrupt primary system. Bursting with secrets, billions of dollars, and foreign powers influencing the elections; this system has many blemishes and does not represent the voter’s true intentions. America which is called the oldest Democracy and world Super Power do not have uniform Rules for its Presidential Primaries. All 50 states have different rules for Caucuses, Primary elections and rules for awarding delegates.

In Primaries votes are cast for Delegates not for the Candidate
A common misconception about the primary election process is that votes are cast directly for candidates by the voters. In reality, votes are cast in favor of the delegates in respective states using caucuses or general voting. Delegates can also be selected from slates submitted by the candidates, selected at committee meetings or elected directly at the caucuses and primaries. These elected/selected delegates or pledged delegates represent the candidates at their respective party’s national conventions where they vote to select the party’s presidential nominee along with un-pledged delegates, also known as super delegates of their party. Some times pledged Delegates do not represent the will of the voters who sent them to these conventions because they can change their vote for a different Candidate than the one they have been delegated to represent.

Caucus & Number of Caucus States
Nineteen states and the District of Columbia utilize the caucus system for either or both political parties. Caucuses are simply meetings, open to all registered voters of the party, at which delegates to the party's national convention are selected. When the caucus begins, the voters in attendance divide themselves into groups according to the candidate they support. The undecided voters congregate into their own group and prepare to be "courted" by supporters of other candidates. Voters in each group are then invited to give speeches supporting their candidate and trying to persuade others to join their group. At the end of the caucus, party organizers count the voters in each candidate's group and calculate how many delegates to the party convention each candidate has won. As in the primaries, the caucus process can produce both pledged and unpledged convention delegates, depending on the party rules of the various states.

Number of Primary States
Thirty states use the primary system, which generally takes on one of the following four forms: Open (voters can belong to any party, or none at all), Closed (voters are party members only), Semi-Open (voters are either registered party members or unaffiliated) and Semi-Closed (voters are able to vote with the political party they currently want to be affiliated with); with the Open Primary being the most prevalent. New Hampshire presidential primaries are open to independent voters only and closed for Republicans and Democrats.

How Delegates are Awarded
The state Democratic and Republican parties use different methods for determining how many delegates are awarded to or "pledged" to vote for the various candidates at their national conventions. Democrats use a proportional method. Each candidate is awarded a number of delegates in proportion to their support in the state caucuses or the number of primary votes they won. In the Republican Party, each state chooses either the proportional method or the "winner-takes-all" method of awarding delegates. Under the winner-takes-all method, the candidate with the most votes from a state's caucus or primary gets all of that state's delegates for the national convention.

Number of Delegates needed for Party nomination
For the Republican as well as the Democratic Party nomination; one needs a simple majority out of the ever changing number of required delegates. Both parties have different number of pledged & un-pledged/Super Delegates for all 50 states. In 2004, the Republican Party’s total delegates were 2,509. In 2008 it was 2,380 and for 2012 the number is 2286 with 117 Super delegates and to win the nomination one needs 1,144 delegates. The Democratic Party uses a base of 3,700 pledged delegates in each election cycle. For 2008 these numbers were 3409.5 state delegates elected after caucuses and primaries and 823.5 Super delegates; number of delegates needed for party nomination was 2,117. For the 2012 convention the pledged delegates are going to be 5,000 besides over 825 Super delegates or un-pledged delegates. 

Two States are more Superior than the other 48 States
Two states are more equal, among the 50 equal states: Iowa and New Hampshire hold our nation’s first Caucus and Primary in January of the election year since the 1920’s. This heavily influences the selection process for the final results of Candidates for both parties. These two small, heavily white, 40% rural states have more authority on the making of the president. Together, Iowa and New Hampshire make up a mere 1.4 percent of the US population! Then their average population of African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos and Asians is 3.6 percent, while the nation as a whole is 35 percent minority. 

In most recent Presidential primaries, the nominations have been all but decided by the first few weeks of voting, leaving large majorities of voters and states effectively disenfranchised. Within few days of Iowa Caucus; New Hampshire, Wyoming, Michigan, Nevada, South Carolina, Florida, and Maine hold their caucuses/primaries. Super Tuesday is in the first week of February or March with primaries/caucuses held in more than a dozen states of America. 

Senator and later RNC Chairman and US Trade Representative William Brock (R-TN) once said in the Detroit News about front-loading; "Today, too many people in too many states have no voice in the election of our major party nominees. For them, the nominations are over before they have begun.” 

For example, in 2000, both Vice President Al Gore (D) and Governor George W. Bush (R) had clinched their party’s respective nomination before thirty-three states, including many of the largest, had even voted. Also in 2000 when both parties had multi candidates running for the Presidency, voter’s turnout for both parties combine and all states combine was mere 17.7%. 

In 2012 the Democratic Primaries were for name sake only since there was no challenger to President Obama. The Republican Party primaries that started in January was practically over on April 25, 2012 when Republican National Committee (RNC) declared Romney with over 600 Delegates the presumptive nominee. RNC was reading from the wall that his rivals can not get the required 1188 delegates. In the process RNC disfranched the voters of 16 states including big states like California and Texas. 

The miserable showings of 2000 and 2012 clearly reflects that America’s main street has no confidence in the present system of caucuses and primaries manipulated by both political parties with corporate and foreign money.

Out side Groups with no accountability financing Campaigns
Americans are fooled with carefully choreographed very expensive, lavish and negative campaigns with twisted facts and data in the name of Presidential Primaries for 19 months. Besides Candidates spending millions directly raised by them from personal fortunes and supporters; millions of dollars are spend by outside groups — particularly super PACs (Political Action Committees). These PAC’s are openly funded by billionaires that have few limits on their activities and have been dominating the presidential contest for more than 3 decades. Sometimes cash infusion by these billionaires is more about knocking down a particular candidate rather than making sure their own candidate winning the primary. Recent example is casino mogul billionaire Sheldon Adelson sunk in $21 millions in Winning Our Future, a super PAC supporting Newt Gingrich. Adelson knew it Gingrich has no chance of winning the nomination but to make sure Rick Santorum does not get the Republican Party nomination for 2012, he financed Gingrich’s campaign. Both Gingrich and Santorum were targeting conservative voters because Romney is not considered Conservative by these voters. 

In May 2012 Adelson invited Romney to Las Vegas for a private meeting. After extracting a promise from Romney that he will keep the interest of Israel above American interest, Adelson gave $10 mil to a PAC “Restore Our Future” in June, which is run by former Romney aides and confidantes. This PAC till April 2012 raised and spent over $41 million during the Republican presidential primary on negative TV ads against Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. There are unconfirmed reports that Adelson had given  millions to a 501(c)(4) PAC Crossroads GPS backing Romney and GOP candidates that does not have to disclose its donors.

According to the media Adelson wants to give at least $100 million to conservative causes supporting Israel and pro Israel candidates in the current election cycle of 2012. He wants to give most of his money to 501(c)(4) non-profits groups affiliated with political PAC’s, because they don’t have to disclose the names of donors. Sheldon Adelson is in effect openly bringing “foreign money” to the political process to Elect the US President since much of his fortune comes from casinos abroad. More over he wants loyalty pledge for Israel from the candidates he is giving campaign money. 

Since the last 2 election cycles these 501(c)(4) nonprofit groups have grown in size and clout in the funding process to the presidential campaigns. These nonprofit groups never have to reveal their donors, suggesting that a significant portion of the 2012 elections will be wrapped in a vast cloak of secrecy. Millions of dollars are spent on mostly negative ads against their opponents from their own party. In this election cycle, Romney put in more than 19,800 TV ads as opposed to 4,100 TV ads put by his nearest rival Newt Gingrich in one state: Florida only. Romney spent more than $9 million and his super PAC’s spent another $10 million in the Florida primaries only. 

Then we have wealthy individuals with deep ties to the business community, Wall Street and big Law firms. They give their own money and collect money from their wealthy friends and “Bundle” it together to give to a Presidential Candidate. In exchange the candidate after becoming President nominate many of them for diplomatic assignments around the world including prestigious destinations like London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, Beijing, Canbara, and many more. Some are awarded with lucrative other jobs and contracts in the Federal government itself. The Huffington Post compared the State Department diplomatic list with information on 2008 contributions and found 28 individuals of ambassadorial rank who had raised a total of more than $14 million for President Obama. 

Misuse of Campaign Funds by Candidates
Millions of dollars are spent by political campaigns to hire consultants to write speeches, produce ads, run polling, and perform other specialized work including paid mysterious strategic consulting. As usual, with all such vendors no information is ever revealed about salaries or other internal costs. Then 10-15% money raised by the candidates directly or from super PAC’s goes to “Fundraising Consultants” as a fee for raising funds for the candidate or advising the candidate on how to raise funds. This arrangement not only benefits several of those close to the Candidate but also makes it harder to determine how they are spending their donors’ money, because salaries and other details about outside operations are kept under secret wraps.
In 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin’s wardrobe with expensive clothing from high-end stores for over $150,000.00 was paid for by the Republican National Party classified as “Campaign accessories.” Then Democrat Senator and Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton said that campaign money was never spent on personal clothing but that potentially embarrassing purchases could be blended into advertising budgets.

In June 2011, Democrat John Edwards 2008 Presidential Candidate and 2004 Vice President Candidate was indicted by a North Carolina grand jury on six felony charges, including four counts of collecting illegal campaign contributions, one count of conspiracy and one count of making false statements. US Department Of Justice (DOJ) conducted a two-year investigation and spent millions of dollars into figuring out if Edwards used more than $1 million in political donations to hide his extra marital affair and fathering a child with his  Campaign consultant Reille Hunter. In May 2012 after a six weeks long trial and nine days of deliberations; Jury found Edwards not guilty on one charge and could not reach a verdict on 5 other counts. The Judge dismissed the jury and declared mistrial on five counts. The US DOJ decided not to press charges on 5 counts with a re-trial but, if Edward had been found guilty he would have faced up to 30 years in prison and a $1.5 million fine. But the US DOJ would rather have Edwards walk free thanks to the bizarre US Justice system where the filthy rich and highly connected like Edwards don’t have to go to jail.

What a Super PAC can do to the Election Results & Voters intent
In mockery of Edward Trial the former US Attorney George Holding who launched the corruption case against Edward, was aided by a Super PAC funded almost entirely by his own family in his bid in GOP primary against Raleigh Mayor Paul Coble for Congress in North Carolina's 13th congressional district. Holding went on to win in part thanks to more than $500,000 in television ads from the American Foundations Committee a super PAC funded almost entirely by members of Holding’s wealthy banking family. 

“In North Carolina, this was probably one of the first clear examples of what a super PAC is and how it completely changes the rules of the game,” said Bob Phillips, executive director of the state’s Common Cause chapter. He said Coble was “overcome by the money, and I don’t imagine that the average voter probably knew that it was from his opponent’s family.” 

American President is Elected by Foreign Money
Everyone knows that American Israel Public Action Committee (AIPAC) and its numerous losely affiliated PAC’s and members committed to Israel will take out any sitting Congress member or Senator if they DARE speak out against Israel.  If someone does not tow the Israelie line when running for office, AIPAC or one of its many affiliate PACs or members will give financial support to the candidate who will. AIPAC and its affiliates working for a foreign country Israel can give unlimited financial contributions to any US candidate for any public office. America has lost its democracy to a foreign entity Israel and its supporters. What if India, China, Russia, or Pakistan started delivering billions to Presidential or Congress candidate of their choice? 

America is a Banana Republic when it comes to Electing its President 
America is the only democracy that does not have a spending limit on Presidential candidates in Primaries as well as in the general elections. Moreover, the Presidential and Congress Elections are financed by groups with loyalty to a foreign country Israel. The 2008 campaign was the costliest in history, with a record-shattering $5.3 billion in spending by candidates, political parties, super PAC’s and 501(c)(4) nonprofit groups on the congressional and presidential races. In the 2008 election, President Obama alone spent almost a billion dollars which includes over $650 million raised by him and the rest spent by his Party, super PAC’s and nonprofit groups. President Obama is close to the target of raising $1 billion for his campaign that his advisors set in April 2011 for him. This does not include the money that will be spent by the Party, super PAC’s and nonprofit groups on behalf of President Obama for 2012 elections. The expected tab for the 2012 general election is over $9 billion when 50 mil Americans are on food stamps, 20 million unemployed, 30 million underemployed, 70 mil with no health insurance, 16 million children facing hunger and 1.5 million homeless youth. 
Dave Makkar
973 416 1600 D 973 760 6006 C

Also Published in The Indian Panorama News New York USA & various web based News Papers in USA & India.