Racism Defeated: Piyush Patel First Hindu Lieutenant sworn in NJ, USA
Mayor Blanco administered the oath of office to Lt. Patel

Proud Father Mahesh Patel putting the Lieutenant's badge on his son & Councilman Garcia is looking at them
First Hindu American Lieutenant Piyush Patel sworn in (New Jersey) USA, Dec. 19, 2012
It was history in the making New Jersey’s first Hindu Lieutenant Piyush Patel was administered the oath of office by Mayor Blanco of Passaic in colorful ceremony on Dec. 19, 2012. It was attended by large number of people from his community, local residents, friends and family members.
Piyush Patel is first generation Hindu American born to immigrant parents from Gujarat, India. He has been brought up and raised in Passaic and has done his schooling in Passaic Schools. Piyush Patel is first Indian-American and first Hindu in the New Jersey Police force. He joined Passaic Police Dept. in 1998 as first South Asian and first Indian-American. Now he is first South Asian Lieutenant in the Passaic Police Department.
Lt. Patel’s story of hardships to reach this level is an inspiration for the younger generation of the community. If one stands for their rights later or sooner no one can stop them from being successful in life. Despite clearing the exam with #2 ranking for the post of Sgt. in 2003; he got this rank in 2006 only after a prolonged battle against the township in the Courts on the grounds of racial discrimination. Somehow, Piyush Patel got his rank, back pay and seniority after more than 2 years of emotional, mental, physical and financial struggles.
Again Piyush Patel has to struggle to get his Lieutenant’s rank. He passed the exam with # 2 ranking in 2009. Since 2011 his rank was #1 because the #1 rank Sgt. Pellot was promoted Lieutenant in 2011.
Patel’s father Mr. Mahesh Patel a known community leader stood firm along with his son in his struggle against the race based politics in Passaic. Finally the sane voice of the Indian community, local residents, friends and the entire family’s support prevailed over the administration and Piyush Patel got his rank of Lieutenant.
We sincerely thank everyone on behalf of Sgt. Piyush Patel, his father Mr. Mahesh Patel, his entire family, friends and supporters for their valuable support; for his merit based promotion to Lieutenant in Passaic PD.
This is a small step collectively taken by the community to eradicate the Culture of Racism in the City Hall’s of New Jersey. Our job is not yet finished; we are looking for complete equality and religious freedom in the state of New Jersey.
On behalf of Supporters For Equal Justice
Dave Makkar
OCT. 26, 2012
PLEASE E-mail Your Support for Sgt Patel to all the Council Members in a one common e-mail to them with cc or bcc to
Official Website for Passaic
The South Asian Insider News New York USA

The South Asian Insider News New York USA
Support Sgt. Piyush Patel’s appointment as Lieutenant in City of Passaic to Fight Racism by Dave Makkar
On Oct. 23, 2012 in a public meeting at the Passaic Town Hall the following was brought to the notice of Council Committee by the supporters, friends and community activist Dave Makkar to support Sgt. Piyush that:
Piyush Patel is first Indian-American and first Hindu in the New Jersey Police force. He joined Passaic Police Dept. in 1998 as first South Asian and first Indian-American.
We all love to talk about diversity but when we get a chance to practice diversity; a great majority of us blow it away. This is exactly Passaic rulers have been doing by putting road blocks when it comes to promotion for Piyush Patel. Despite clearing the exam with #2 ranking for the post of Sgt. in 2003; he got this rank in 2006 only. He along with another officer Pellot with a # 1 ranking in the exam had to sue the city of Passaic for promoting #3 & #4 ranking officers as Sergeant by superceding them. Both #3 & #4 were politically well connected with town and county Democrats. Some how Piyush Patel got his rank, back pay and seniority after more than 2 years of emotional, mental, physical and financial struggles.
Now again Sgt. Piyush Patel is struggling to get his Lieutenant’s rank. He passed the exam with # 2 ranking in 2009. Since 2011 his rank is #1 because the #1 rank Sgt. Pellot was promoted Lieutenant in 2011.
At present one Lieutenant is retiring in Feb. 2013 and for the last 2 months he hardly comes to his office as he is utilizing his earned off days. In the past Passaic promoted an officer Schaer as Sgt. in place of a retiring Sgt. almost 9 months before his retirement. The promotion was with a condition that he will get Sergeant’s pay from the day when the other Sergeant retires. The same principle could have been used for Sgt. Piyush Patel but the Rulers have ignored it because Sgt. Patel’s father is not the Council President.
City of Passaic can not hide behind the bogey of financial constraints because they hired 2 Police Officers in Sep. 2012 and are in the process of creating a new post of Public Safety Director as per the agenda of 10-23-12 Council Meeting.
More over Sgt. Patel has been living in Passaic since he was 2yrs old and has attended Passaic High School and graduated from Rutgers University. He is a tax payer also. Majority of the officers on the list for Lieutenant do not live in the town and some are not even graduate.
The various speakers requested the Council to promote Sgt. Patel as Lieutenant in accordance with prior precedents with a stipulation that he will be entitled to Lieutenant’s pay from the day the current Lieutenant retires from the job in February 2013. The Indian community activist in very polite words warned the council that the Indian-American community is taking this issue very seriously and will not hesitate to move to the highest court if any injustice and discrimination is done to Sgt. Piyush Patel.
The Council President Gary Schaer after each comments said, “He has been advised by Council Attorney not to responds to the comments in reference to Sgt. Patel because it involves his privacy rights. In council meetings we can not discuss about an employee who is not present and the commentators have not given him proper notice to be present in the council meeting.
At that point Ex-Mayor of Passaic Ms. Margie Semler who initially appointed Piyush Patel in 1998; addressed the Council that she fully understand the Rights issue of an employee that the Council members can not say any bad things about the individual but they are free to say the good things about that individual.Why no one has said any thing good about Sgt. Patel? She understands the political maneuvering that is going on behind all this.
History of Racial Discrimination in Passaic
On 10-22-12 Mr. Mahesh Patel father of Sgt. Patel along with 10 residents met Council President Gary Schaer to request promotion for his son because of his #1 ranking in the list.He was told there is no budget and no job openings at any level. Moreover if Sgt Patel is promoted they have to promote an officer as Sergeant and in place of that officer they have to hire another officer. This can cost the city over $100,000.00.
On close look at every thing whatever Council President Schaer has said is a fabricated story if that is the case why he is creating a new post of Public Safety Director to accommodate the Police Chief Diaz who is retiring in few months. Why in 2011 he approved the promotion of his own son as Sergeant almost 9 months in advance with 6-7 years of service?
According to Dave Makkar, Passaic is famous for corruption its previous Mayor Samuel Rivera was indicted for corruption. In the past decade there has been Federal conviction of 2 Mayors, 7 councilman and various public employees. Passaic is also famous for wasting millions to settle law suits by employees for Racial Discrimination, Sexual harassment and denial of promotions. A suit by a female Police Officer for sexual harassment against the current Chief, Richard Diaz cost taxpayers a $500,000 in settlement in 2009. In May 2012 Lt. Louis Gentile has sued the city, claiming he has been denied a promotion in retaliation for backing a female colleague in her sexual harassment suit against Chief Diaz. The current Chief has never taken and passed the Test for the post of Police Chief.
In March 2010 a black firefighter Todd Pickett with 18yrs of service filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against the Passaic Fire Department and Fire Chief Patrick Trentacost for Racial Discrimination. In Oct. 2011 another Black administrator Douglas Johnson with the Passaic Department has filed a civil rights suit against the city, alleging that he was repeatedly denied promotions because of his race. In this suit he has included Council President Schaer also. Johnson says he told Schaer about the master's degree and expressed interest in the business administrator's post. In response, the lawsuit says, Schaer stated, "If you weren't black, you would be a star in this city."
Johnson lost out to less qualified Anthony Iacono in June 2009. Iacono was arrested on charges of cocaine possession outside a Hoboken bar last February 2011 and was subsequently terminated. Ricardo Fernandez, an administrator with the Passaic UEZ, was named as Iacono's replacement. Johnson claims that, with his master's degree, he is more qualified than Fernandez, who holds only a bachelor's degree.
More over Passaic is inhabited by predominantly lower class community with crime rate much above the State average. Recently a high ranking Police Officer requested the Police Chief for more Lieutenants and his request was turned down. His pleas that one Lieutenant comes once in a week and one is handling 2 departments were ignored.
On top of that since 2002 Gary Schaer is the Director of UEZ also that is paying salaries of more than a dozen Police officers from the state grants. Gary Schaer is wearing too many hats it is his 14TH year in the Passaic Council, 11TH year as Council President and is also in the New Jersey Assembly from Dist. 36 since Nov. 2005 and presently he is the Deputy Speaker also.
In 2007 NJ Legislatures under Gov. Corzine passed a law that prevents dual-office holding but allows those who held both positions as of Feb. 1, 2008 to retain both positions. Here comes the question of ethics, morality and honesty; if some thing is not allowed to new politicians why the older politicians are still using it? Why Gary Schaer never considered of not running for re-election for at least one office in last 4 years?
With so many feathers in his cap and tremendous work load from his multiple commitments Gary Schaer along with his other colleagues passed a “one size fits all” Anti-Bullying Law in 2011 without reading it and without giving due considerations to the juveniles. This law is Anti-Juvenile, Anti-Minority and Un-constitutional because it is treating an 8 yrs old student same as 28 yrs old student. Whereas the US Supreme Court says that you can not treat a child as a miniature adult.
Gary Schaer who belongs to a preferred community with less than 1% of the total population has firm grip on the town for over a decade. The current Mayor Alex Blanco is also a mere Yes Man for him. Under Gary Schaer’s Leadership Passaic High School rank near the bottom at 312 out of 316 High Schools in New Jersey. This clearly reflects how much Gary Schaer cares for your children that is the reason a very important law concerning the mental, emotional and physical well being of your 8 to 15 yrs old children; Gary Sacher signed it without reading it.
In light of all the above with due respect to the entire Indian community we make a humble appeal to every one to please e-mail a request to the Council Members of Passaic to promote Sgt. Pyuesh Patel as Lieutenant with immediate effect. His new salary will be subject to the date when the current Lieutenant retires in Feb. 2013.
Respectfully submitted
On behalf of volunteers against
Racial Discrimination & Injustice
By Dave Makkar
PLEASE E-mail Your Support for Sgt Patel to all the Council Members in a one common e-mail to them with cc or bcc so that we have record how many people have supported Sgt. Piyush Patel. Thanks.
Supporters urge Passaic council to promote city's only Indian-American police officer
Tuesday October 23, 2012, BY RICHARD COWEN, STAFF WRITER
The Record
PASSAIC — Members of the city’s Indian-American community came to the City Council meeting on Tuesday to express their fears that Passaic’s only Indian police officer is being denied a promotion.
About 20 people appeared at the meeting to support the promotion of Sgt. Piyosh Patel to the rank of lieutenant next year. His supporters claim that although Patel took the civil service examination for lieutenant and finished first, he is about to bypassed for the promotion.
“Do you stand for diversity?” an activist, Davendra Makkar, asked the council. “Everybody says they are for diversity, and now it is time to do something about it.”
Makkar said Patel, who joined the Passaic Police Department in 1998, is believed to be the first Indian-American police officer in state history. But he has suffered the sting of discrimination once before, Makkar said.
Patel sued the city after he was denied a promotion to sergeant in 2003. Patel won his case in Superior Court in 2006 and was promoted with back pay, Makkar said.
Makkar said two lieutenant positions are supposed to open up in early 2013, but Patel is not in line for a promotion. Patel did not attend the meeting on Tuesday night.
City Council President Gary S. Schaer listed while Indian-American residents took the podium to praise Patel. But Schaer said city officials aren’t allowed to comment in public about personnel matters without the employee’s permission.
Passaic police officer files lawsuit alleging he was unfairly denied promotion
The Record
PASSAIC — Police Lt. Louis Gentile has sued the city, claiming he has been denied a promotion in retaliation for backing a female colleague in her sexual harassment suit against the current chief, Richard Diaz, which cost taxpayers a $500,000 settlement in 2009.
In a lawsuit filed last month in state Superior Court, Gentile claims that Diaz has retaliated against him and that he has been repeatedly denied promotions to the rank of captain since Diaz took command of the department in May 2011 as acting chief.
Passaic city administrator sues Schaer
Tuesday, October 4, 2011, BY RICHARD COWEN, STAFF WRITER
The Record
PASSAIC — An African-American administrator with the Passaic Fire Department has filed a civil rights suit against the city, alleging that he was repeatedly denied promotions because of his race.
Douglas Johnson, an administrative analyst employed by the city since 1994, claims in a lawsuit filed last month in U.S. District Court that he was the victim of "an insidious pattern of discrimination because he is African-American" that kept him from moving up the ladder. Johnson says he repeatedly applied for jobs as personnel manager and the city's business administrator, only to be passed over in favor of candidates he claims were less qualified.
NJ firefighter files bias suit against department, chief
An 18-year veteran, says he has been the target of systematic harassment by his superiors
March 6, 2010, By Alexander MacInnes, The Herald News
PASSAIC, N.J. — A black firefighter has filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against the Passaic Fire Department and Fire Chief Patrick Trentacost.
Todd Pickett, an 18-year veteran, says he has been the target of systematic harassment by his superiors, who he alleges assigned him less desirable duties than his white counterparts.
Pickett says he has continually been forced to work with other firefighters who "regularly engaged in racially charged conduct."

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