Saturday, September 7, 2013

Congressional Elections are Fixed in America


Congressional Elections are Fixed in America

Thursday 05th, September 2013
views (106875)
India with multi party system there to fix an election or all elections for Parliament from a particular state  is a very difficult and expansive task. In India one needs booth capturing, fake voters, gunmen, money and goodies to voters, reservations in jobs, classification under schedule cast/tribe or backward class, Religious Fatwas (dictates) in favor of a particular candidate  and buying off some of the opposing candidates; to fix elections.

In America fixing an Election for House of Representatives with 435 Seats for a particular state is a piece of cake because of 2 party system. All you need is meeting between both party representatives to negotiate for constituencies in that particular state. This is the only country where the Members of the House of Representatives can virtually pick their voters every 10 years under the so called re-districting in hard bargains among both party representatives to create Democrat or Republican Safe constituencies in a particular state. That is the reason America has Blue (Democrat) and Red (Republican) states that makes it extremely difficult in Senate races to change the composition of US Senate with hundred Senators; 2 Senators from each 50 States of America.

Since both parties can pick their voters for House of Representatives that has created Carrier Politicians in America . 29 Representatives are in Congress for 30-56 yrs, 64 are for 20-29 yrs and 118 Representatives are in US Congress for 10-18 yrs. The oldest Representative is 89 yrs old Ralph Hall (R-TX) and is serving for over 31 years. Longest serving is 85 yrs old Rep John Dingell (D-MI) since last 56 years. By age he is tied with Roscoe Barlette (R-MD) in congress for more than 19 years. Both are followed by 83 yrs old John Conyers (D-Mi) who is in congress for more than 47 years. Then by 811/2 yrs old Bill Young (R-Fl) serving the Congress for over 41 years. In the 435 members House 10 members are 80+, 48 members 70+ and 230 members are 60+ yrs old.

Since 1996 writer is the resident of New Jersey the world’s most corrupt and racist state that is legally corrupt and legally racist. This is the only state in the world in 8,000 sq miles for 8.5 mil residents that has 1 State government, 587 local governments for 566 racially segregated towns with over 9,000 Elected Politicians and over 500,000 employees. It is represented by 13 Representatives and 2 Senators in US Congress. The writer has witnessed two Re-districting scams very closely one in 2001 and the other in 2011 to notice how Democrat or Republican safe constituencies are created for local, state and US House of Representatives elections.
Re-districting that should be used to create more compititive Districts is used as a scam run by both parties since 1981 to ensure the winning of the incumbents belonging to both parties for another 10 years. They swap areas to make each others constituency more Democrat or Republican safe. This can safely be called “Incumbent Protection Plan” in which Republicans and Democrats both join together to make sure no incumbant lose his/her seat. After re-districting in 2002 Elections 7 Democrat won with an average of 74.5% and 6 Republicans won with 66.2% of the two party votes. These one-sided margins held through till 2010 barring a close contest in Dist 7 in 2006 and Dist 3 in 2010.  This shows if the partisan majority in a district is more than 55% or so there is almost Zero chance of a challanger winning the election or incumbent losing the election.

In 2011 re-districting the Democrats and Republicans agreed to a deal that virtually protected all the incumbents barring one for the sacrificed district to cut down the number of districts to 12 from 13 because of population loss in New Jersey. In other words they settled for 6-6 split for the future 113TH US Congress rather than creating more competitive districts.

It is a known fact that competitive districts would attract better candidates, bring more transparency and incentivize lawmakers to pay more attention to their constituents. Both parties collectively and individually does not believe in that, they believe their incumbents must have the right to chose their voters. That means if you are a Republican living in a Democrat district or vice versa you have to forget that you can get the Democrat incumbent out. If you are a Republican living in a Republican district your vote is irrelevant because it does not matter who wins. It means public opinion has no role to play even if they want to get rid of the incumbents. The only time incumbents can be defeated is during their own Party primaries only that too if they have become eye sore to their own party bosses. If the incumbent retires or die in office in that situation voters get a new choice.

U.S. Voting Rights Act and the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution guarantee the preservation of any Congressional districts in which a single minority group currently makes up a majority of the population. As a result, the African-American majority Dist 10 represented by Rep. Donald Payne (D) for last 23 years and the Hispanic majority Dist 13 represented by Rep. Albio Sires (D) since 2006 must be preserved as majority-minority districts. Re-districting Commission preserved them by picking population from surrounding areas to meet the equal population requirements with other districts. Donald Payne died in office early this year and his son Donald Payne Jr won the special election for his remaining term as well the primary for November election to preserve the legacy and incumbency of his father. He is sure to win in the November general elections and the same is true for Albio Sires (D) to win in his old Dist 13 re-Christian as Dist 8 now.

Minority groups represent almost 40% of New Jersey's population, but Sires and Payne are the only two minority representatives in New Jersey's current 13-member delegation. They will be the only 2 minority members of new Congress in 2012 from NJ.

Districts 2, 3, 4 under Republican incumbants and Dist 1 under a Democrat were virtually left alone to make sure no incumbent from either party loses in coming elections. Dist 3 of first term rookie Jon Runyan (R) was rather made more safe by removing Cherry Hill, a Democratic stronghold from his district and replacing it with the predominantly Republican Brick. The Democrats were planning to seriously challenge Runyan in 2012 but now no more.

The only choice commission had was to merge remaining 7 Districts into 6 in order to reduced the number of Congressional districts from 13 to 12.  So Democrat Dist 6, 8, 9 & 12 and Republican 5, 7 & 11 were redistricted to come up with 6 Districts. The old Dist 13 of Albio Sires (D) was also re-named as Dist 8.

Incumbent Rep Steven Rothman (D) Dist 9 became the victim of re-districting Scam by both parties. In this Scam pitting an incumbent Democrat against an incumbent Republican is seen more unfair than pushing two incumbent Democrats or two Republicans into the same district. Rothman ended up in a rare incumbent vs. incumbent fight with fellow Dist 8 Rep. Bill Pascrell (D) for the redrawn district 9 in June this year. According to media reports the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee offered Rothman a cool $2 million to challenge Republican Scott Garrett for the control of Dist 5 in November Elections. Rothman turned it down. Instead, he decided to challenge Bill Pascrell in his old district, or what's left of it in the primary. Unfortunately for him he lost to Pascrell. The win of Bill Pascrell from Dist 9 in Nov. elections is a forgone conclusion.

The writer lives in Congressional District 7. Since 1914 Dist 7 Congressional Seat has always been in the Republican Column barring 1975 to 1981 when it was held by a Democrat Andrew Maguire from Ridgewood . In Nov. 1980 he was defeated by a fellow resident Marge Roukema a Republican. After that only time a serious challenge has ever been given by a Democrat was in 2006 by very popular Assembly Deputy Speaker Linda Stender a carrier politician since 1988. The 2 term incumbent Republican Mike Ferguson won his 3rd term by less than 3000 votes. In 2008 Stender was defeated by current Republican Congressman Lance by a wide margin of almost 30,000 votes. In 2010 Lance defeated Democrat Ed Potosnak by 33,000 votes by re-establishing the Republican style winning of this district by double digit margins of 10-18%. Voters’ turnout in this District has been around 280,000 since 2001.

In last 2 decades Democrats have damaged their own chances of winning the District 7 forever; by annexing pro Democrats towns during re-districting from Dist. 7 to merge them with Dist 12 a Democrat stronghold to make it more safe for sitting Democrat Rush Holt. In 2001 re-districting areas of the former 7th district such as Somerset in Franklin Township (Somerset County) historically Democratic stronghold were moved into the 12th district to shore up the Democratic incumbent Rush Holt's hold. Again in 2011 re-districting Edison and Woodbridge Democrat stronghold area has been moved out of Dist 7 to make it more pro Republican by adding Republican towns like Millburn and Short Hill from Democrat stronghold Essex County.

Even for the New Jersey ’s 40 legislative districts represented by 40 state Senators and 80 Assemblyman either they are Democrat safe or Republican Safe. Practically all of them are represented by carrier politicians protected under “Incumbent Protection Plan”. Only two District 12 and 14 saw an average margin of victory for candidates under 10% during the past 4 elections and can be called competitive districts.

The re-districting scam for state and US House elections has divided America into Red (Republican) & Blue (Democrat) states. New Jersey has not elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate since Clifford Case in 1972 and last voted for a Republican presidential candidate in 1988. The US Senate with 100 members has the same sad story of carrier politicians. 27 Senators are 70-88 yrs old and 37 Senators are 60-69 yrs old. The oldest is 88 years old Senator Lautenberg a Democrat from Blue state New Jersey . 8 Senators between the age of 72-88 yrs old are serving from 31-49 yrs, 16 Senators for over 20 and 23 Senators are serving for over 10 years. 87 years old Daniel Invoye a Democrat from Hawaii has the distinction of longest serving Senator for 49 yrs in the current Senate.

Some of the America ’s founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Madison were strongly in favor of Term Limits for US Senate and House seats. Looking at the sorry state of current 112TH US Congress with Carrier Politicians they must be crying in their graves why they never imposed Congressional term limits. Why they never addressed a potential problem of creating Democrat or Republican safe district in a particular state. The current breed of Politicians in both parties are never going to address the problems of Carrier Politicians and creation of safe Democrat or Republican districts. May be the time has come for the American public to wake up and reform Electoral process as well as Campaign financing laws in America. 

Dave Makkar

The South Asian Insider News New York USA
Also Published in The Indian Panorama News New York USA & various web based News Papers
Also Published in The Indian Panorama News New York USA & various web based News Papers in USA & India.


Presidential Primaries a Fraud by the Rich & Powerful of America



Thursday 05th, September 2013
views (105868)
US VP Biden & Rahm Emanuel Obama & Hillary after spending Billions on Election, all of them laughing at crying George Washington
America is the only country where to select the Presidential candidate by both parties; election campaigns kicks off every 2 years before the actual election for the 4 year Presidential term. The most unfortunate thing is if a sitting President is also in the race for re-election, they become the Campaigning President for their Party for their remaining term of 2 years rather than President of America working for solutions for the suffering Americans.

Some times there are almost a dozen candidates in both parties competing for the respective party’s Presidential candidate nomination. Some of them are there for name, fame and money attached to the coveted title of Presidential Candidate even after losing the race. The caucuses and primary elections/voting starts in January and ends in July of the actual election year for all the 50 states. Then the front runners go to their party’s national convention to be officially nominated as the Presidential Candidate in August for the challenger party or September for the party of the sitting President. Sometimes it can be a brokered convention when there is no clear front runner with the required number of delegates as stipulated by their party to be their Party’s Presidential Candidate. Then the Candidate is decided by the Super Delegates or un-pledged delegates.

In this write-up, you will discover the truth about the chaotic and corrupt primary system. Bursting with secrets, billions of dollars, and foreign powers influencing the elections; this system has many blemishes and does not represent the voter’s true intentions. America which is called the oldest Democracy and world Super Power do not have uniform Rules for its Presidential Primaries. All 50 states have different rules for Caucuses, Primary elections and rules for awarding delegates.

In Primaries votes are cast for Delegates not for the Candidate
A common misconception about the primary election process is that votes are cast directly for candidates by the voters. In reality, votes are cast in favor of the delegates in respective states using caucuses or general voting. Delegates can also be selected from slates submitted by the candidates, selected at committee meetings or elected directly at the caucuses and primaries. These elected/selected delegates or pledged delegates represent the candidates at their respective party’s national conventions where they vote to select the party’s presidential nominee along with un-pledged delegates, also known as super delegates of their party. Some times pledged Delegates do not represent the will of the voters who sent them to these conventions because they can change their vote for a different Candidate than the one they have been delegated to represent.

Caucus & Number of Caucus States
Nineteen states and the District of Columbia utilize the caucus system for either or both political parties. Caucuses are simply meetings, open to all registered voters of the party, at which delegates to the party's national convention are selected. When the caucus begins, the voters in attendance divide themselves into groups according to the candidate they support. The undecided voters congregate into their own group and prepare to be "courted" by supporters of other candidates. Voters in each group are then invited to give speeches supporting their candidate and trying to persuade others to join their group. At the end of the caucus, party organizers count the voters in each candidate's group and calculate how many delegates to the party convention each candidate has won. As in the primaries, the caucus process can produce both pledged and unpledged convention delegates, depending on the party rules of the various states.

Number of Primary States
Thirty states use the primary system, which generally takes on one of the following four forms: Open (voters can belong to any party, or none at all), Closed (voters are party members only), Semi-Open (voters are either registered party members or unaffiliated) and Semi-Closed (voters are able to vote with the political party they currently want to be affiliated with); with the Open Primary being the most prevalent. New Hampshire presidential primaries are open to independent voters only and closed for Republicans and Democrats.

How Delegates are Awarded
The state Democratic and Republican parties use different methods for determining how many delegates are awarded to or "pledged" to vote for the various candidates at their national conventions. Democrats use a proportional method. Each candidate is awarded a number of delegates in proportion to their support in the state caucuses or the number of primary votes they won. In the Republican Party, each state chooses either the proportional method or the "winner-takes-all" method of awarding delegates. Under the winner-takes-all method, the candidate with the most votes from a state's caucus or primary gets all of that state's delegates for the national convention.

Number of Delegates needed for Party nomination
For the Republican as well as the Democratic Party nomination; one needs a simple majority out of the ever changing number of required delegates. Both parties have different number of pledged & un-pledged/Super Delegates for all 50 states. In 2004, the Republican Party’s total delegates were 2,509. In 2008 it was 2,380 and for 2012 the number is 2286 with 117 Super delegates and to win the nomination one needs 1,144 delegates. The Democratic Party uses a base of 3,700 pledged delegates in each election cycle. For 2008 these numbers were 3409.5 state delegates elected after caucuses and primaries and 823.5 Super delegates; number of delegates needed for party nomination was 2,117. For the 2012 convention the pledged delegates are going to be 5,000 besides over 825 Super delegates or un-pledged delegates. 

Two States are more Superior than the other 48 States
Two states are more equal, among the 50 equal states: Iowa and New Hampshire hold our nation’s first Caucus and Primary in January of the election year since the 1920’s. This heavily influences the selection process for the final results of Candidates for both parties. These two small, heavily white, 40% rural states have more authority on the making of the president. Together, Iowa and New Hampshire make up a mere 1.4 percent of the US population! Then their average population of African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos and Asians is 3.6 percent, while the nation as a whole is 35 percent minority. 

In most recent Presidential primaries, the nominations have been all but decided by the first few weeks of voting, leaving large majorities of voters and states effectively disenfranchised. Within few days of Iowa Caucus; New Hampshire, Wyoming, Michigan, Nevada, South Carolina, Florida, and Maine hold their caucuses/primaries. Super Tuesday is in the first week of February or March with primaries/caucuses held in more than a dozen states of America. 

Senator and later RNC Chairman and US Trade Representative William Brock (R-TN) once said in the Detroit News about front-loading; "Today, too many people in too many states have no voice in the election of our major party nominees. For them, the nominations are over before they have begun.” 

For example, in 2000, both Vice President Al Gore (D) and Governor George W. Bush (R) had clinched their party’s respective nomination before thirty-three states, including many of the largest, had even voted. Also in 2000 when both parties had multi candidates running for the Presidency, voter’s turnout for both parties combine and all states combine was mere 17.7%. 

In 2012 the Democratic Primaries were for name sake only since there was no challenger to President Obama. The Republican Party primaries that started in January was practically over on April 25, 2012 when Republican National Committee (RNC) declared Romney with over 600 Delegates the presumptive nominee. RNC was reading from the wall that his rivals can not get the required 1188 delegates. In the process RNC disfranched the voters of 16 states including big states like California and Texas. 

The miserable showings of 2000 and 2012 clearly reflects that America’s main street has no confidence in the present system of caucuses and primaries manipulated by both political parties with corporate and foreign money.

Out side Groups with no accountability financing Campaigns
Americans are fooled with carefully choreographed very expensive, lavish and negative campaigns with twisted facts and data in the name of Presidential Primaries for 19 months. Besides Candidates spending millions directly raised by them from personal fortunes and supporters; millions of dollars are spend by outside groups — particularly super PACs (Political Action Committees). These PAC’s are openly funded by billionaires that have few limits on their activities and have been dominating the presidential contest for more than 3 decades. Sometimes cash infusion by these billionaires is more about knocking down a particular candidate rather than making sure their own candidate winning the primary. Recent example is casino mogul billionaire Sheldon Adelson sunk in $21 millions in Winning Our Future, a super PAC supporting Newt Gingrich. Adelson knew it Gingrich has no chance of winning the nomination but to make sure Rick Santorum does not get the Republican Party nomination for 2012, he financed Gingrich’s campaign. Both Gingrich and Santorum were targeting conservative voters because Romney is not considered Conservative by these voters. 

In May 2012 Adelson invited Romney to Las Vegas for a private meeting. After extracting a promise from Romney that he will keep the interest of Israel above American interest, Adelson gave $10 mil to a PAC “Restore Our Future” in June, which is run by former Romney aides and confidantes. This PAC till April 2012 raised and spent over $41 million during the Republican presidential primary on negative TV ads against Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. There are unconfirmed reports that Adelson had given  millions to a 501(c)(4) PAC Crossroads GPS backing Romney and GOP candidates that does not have to disclose its donors.

According to the media Adelson wants to give at least $100 million to conservative causes supporting Israel and pro Israel candidates in the current election cycle of 2012. He wants to give most of his money to 501(c)(4) non-profits groups affiliated with political PAC’s, because they don’t have to disclose the names of donors. Sheldon Adelson is in effect openly bringing “foreign money” to the political process to Elect the US President since much of his fortune comes from casinos abroad. More over he wants loyalty pledge for Israel from the candidates he is giving campaign money. 

Since the last 2 election cycles these 501(c)(4) nonprofit groups have grown in size and clout in the funding process to the presidential campaigns. These nonprofit groups never have to reveal their donors, suggesting that a significant portion of the 2012 elections will be wrapped in a vast cloak of secrecy. Millions of dollars are spent on mostly negative ads against their opponents from their own party. In this election cycle, Romney put in more than 19,800 TV ads as opposed to 4,100 TV ads put by his nearest rival Newt Gingrich in one state: Florida only. Romney spent more than $9 million and his super PAC’s spent another $10 million in the Florida primaries only. 

Then we have wealthy individuals with deep ties to the business community, Wall Street and big Law firms. They give their own money and collect money from their wealthy friends and “Bundle” it together to give to a Presidential Candidate. In exchange the candidate after becoming President nominate many of them for diplomatic assignments around the world including prestigious destinations like London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, Beijing, Canbara, and many more. Some are awarded with lucrative other jobs and contracts in the Federal government itself. The Huffington Post compared the State Department diplomatic list with information on 2008 contributions and found 28 individuals of ambassadorial rank who had raised a total of more than $14 million for President Obama. 

Misuse of Campaign Funds by Candidates
Millions of dollars are spent by political campaigns to hire consultants to write speeches, produce ads, run polling, and perform other specialized work including paid mysterious strategic consulting. As usual, with all such vendors no information is ever revealed about salaries or other internal costs. Then 10-15% money raised by the candidates directly or from super PAC’s goes to “Fundraising Consultants” as a fee for raising funds for the candidate or advising the candidate on how to raise funds. This arrangement not only benefits several of those close to the Candidate but also makes it harder to determine how they are spending their donors’ money, because salaries and other details about outside operations are kept under secret wraps.
In 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin’s wardrobe with expensive clothing from high-end stores for over $150,000.00 was paid for by the Republican National Party classified as “Campaign accessories.” Then Democrat Senator and Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton said that campaign money was never spent on personal clothing but that potentially embarrassing purchases could be blended into advertising budgets.

In June 2011, Democrat John Edwards 2008 Presidential Candidate and 2004 Vice President Candidate was indicted by a North Carolina grand jury on six felony charges, including four counts of collecting illegal campaign contributions, one count of conspiracy and one count of making false statements. US Department Of Justice (DOJ) conducted a two-year investigation and spent millions of dollars into figuring out if Edwards used more than $1 million in political donations to hide his extra marital affair and fathering a child with his  Campaign consultant Reille Hunter. In May 2012 after a six weeks long trial and nine days of deliberations; Jury found Edwards not guilty on one charge and could not reach a verdict on 5 other counts. The Judge dismissed the jury and declared mistrial on five counts. The US DOJ decided not to press charges on 5 counts with a re-trial but, if Edward had been found guilty he would have faced up to 30 years in prison and a $1.5 million fine. But the US DOJ would rather have Edwards walk free thanks to the bizarre US Justice system where the filthy rich and highly connected like Edwards don’t have to go to jail.

What a Super PAC can do to the Election Results & Voters intent
In mockery of Edward Trial the former US Attorney George Holding who launched the corruption case against Edward, was aided by a Super PAC funded almost entirely by his own family in his bid in GOP primary against Raleigh Mayor Paul Coble for Congress in North Carolina's 13th congressional district. Holding went on to win in part thanks to more than $500,000 in television ads from the American Foundations Committee a super PAC funded almost entirely by members of Holding’s wealthy banking family. 

“In North Carolina, this was probably one of the first clear examples of what a super PAC is and how it completely changes the rules of the game,” said Bob Phillips, executive director of the state’s Common Cause chapter. He said Coble was “overcome by the money, and I don’t imagine that the average voter probably knew that it was from his opponent’s family.” 

American President is Elected by Foreign Money
Everyone knows that American Israel Public Action Committee (AIPAC) and its numerous losely affiliated PAC’s and members committed to Israel will take out any sitting Congress member or Senator if they DARE speak out against Israel.  If someone does not tow the Israelie line when running for office, AIPAC or one of its many affiliate PACs or members will give financial support to the candidate who will. AIPAC and its affiliates working for a foreign country Israel can give unlimited financial contributions to any US candidate for any public office. America has lost its democracy to a foreign entity Israel and its supporters. What if India, China, Russia, or Pakistan started delivering billions to Presidential or Congress candidate of their choice? 

America is a Banana Republic when it comes to Electing its President 
America is the only democracy that does not have a spending limit on Presidential candidates in Primaries as well as in the general elections. Moreover, the Presidential and Congress Elections are financed by groups with loyalty to a foreign country Israel. The 2008 campaign was the costliest in history, with a record-shattering $5.3 billion in spending by candidates, political parties, super PAC’s and 501(c)(4) nonprofit groups on the congressional and presidential races. In the 2008 election, President Obama alone spent almost a billion dollars which includes over $650 million raised by him and the rest spent by his Party, super PAC’s and nonprofit groups. President Obama is close to the target of raising $1 billion for his campaign that his advisors set in April 2011 for him. This does not include the money that will be spent by the Party, super PAC’s and nonprofit groups on behalf of President Obama for 2012 elections. The expected tab for the 2012 general election is over $9 billion when 50 mil Americans are on food stamps, 20 million unemployed, 30 million underemployed, 70 mil with no health insurance, 16 million children facing hunger and 1.5 million homeless youth. 
Dave Makkar
973 416 1600 D 973 760 6006 C

Also Published in The Indian Panorama News New York USA & various web based News Papers in USA & India.


Friday, September 6, 2013

New Jersey world's most corrupt & racist state



Thursday 05th, September 2013
views (104604)
New Jersey WORLD'S most corrupt & racist state with largest per capita deficit, most elected representatives, employees & attorneys per sq mile in the world.

Majority of us think India is very corrupt democracy but that's not the case. You may be right that there is too much corruption in India still all the states in India are less corrupt than the state of New Jersey (NJ) in America. Most disgusting is NJ is legally corrupt and legally racially segregated under Unionized Rulers posing as Politicians, Bureaucrats, Judges, Law Enforcement, Religious, Media and Business Leaders. They call NJ style governance Home Rule which in my opinion is nothing but a Gang Rule for An Employment Scheme for the Unionized Gang Members, their friends and Relatives. In Indian context it can be called Netaji Rojgar Yojna or Employment Scheme for Politicians. 

8,721 sq miles New Jersey for 8.5 mil residents is the worst example of racial segregation, moral and ethical corruption with over 9,000 Elected officials & 466,000 state/local employees. 32% of the population lives in 29 colored Towns and rest 68% lives in 537 white Towns. Yet no one mention the word "Race" in this state.

NJ is a very small state, yet it is overpopulated not with people, but with government in fact with governments. It has 25 times more Municipalities, School Boards and personals. Then it has 20 times more Elected officials. Here Politicians, can have 2-3 salaries, can be in the legislative and executive branch as well as can hold no show state/county/Municipal jobs to build a hefty pension to legally loot the tax payers. In this category First prize goes to Democrat Nicholas Sacco who is Senator since 1994, Mayor of N. Bergen since 1991 and also on the N. Bergen Township Commission since 1985. By profession he is the Assistant Superintendent of N. Bergen Schools, N. Bergen Board of Education. In 38 states of America it is banned and in Indiana holding 2 offices is a Class D felony, on par with drug possession and punishable by up to 3 years in prison.

American Media which always project India as one of the most corrupt democracy in the world should know that in India a Jon Corzine cannot install a Bob Menandez to his elected office of US Senator by changing the voters intent. No one can hold 2 Elected Office or Elected Office and a state/city/federal job. Even when one is filling the nomination papers he or she has to resign their state/city/federal job.

This state has the highest per capita income in US, Biggest Port, highest population density 15 times the national average on per sq. miles, 100% urbanized state with all Urban counties/towns. It has the highest property tax $7,500.00 average; in last 10 years average tax increase is by over 120% only. Then it has the highest cost to educate a student $18,000 in rich districts & $29,000 in poor districts against the national average of less than $7,000 and still has 250,000 students who can not read and write. 25% of them are in 4 poor colored towns Newark, Jersey City, Camden, and Patterson. Surprisingly it has 681 School Superintendent Offices with 25-30 Secretaries for 2419 Schools and a High School ( Jersey City ) can have 6 Vice Principles. For 3,035 Schools Indian state capital Delhi has only 1 Education Director (School Superintendent). 

In 8,721 sq. miles there are 588 Royal Governments with $72 Billion budget and $165 Billion in deficit. $34 Billions for the State and $38 Billions for the 587 local Governments in unevenly populated racially segregated 566 Kingdoms/Towns. 411 Towns have a population of less than 10,000 or are in less than 2 sq. mile. 212 Towns have less population than the day time population 5,845 of colored Elizabeth High School . 34 Towns are with less than 4,000 residents, 49 Towns with less than 3,000 residents, 48 Towns with less than 2,000 residents and 27 Towns are with less than 1,000 residents. The smallest town is Walpack with 35 and Teterborough with 50.

Newark the biggest Municipality with 285,000 residents here every public dollar spent, 81 cents comes from outside the city. Over $1 billion school budget only 86 million comes from local sources balance is state aid. Around $1 billion Municipal budget, 40% revenue from outside city and rest from state & federal aid. Newark with 35.2% population of Essex County contributes only 17.6 % in taxes. Livingston, Millburn with 6% population contributes 18.9%. Newark receives more then $2.5 billion in Federal Aid and State aid. It is also the CAR THEFT CAPITAL of the World and has the largest unreported tax free income from crime in the world to its underworld.

Neighbor State Pennsylvania has a population 43% higher than New Jersey and its geographic area are 4 times greater than NJ. So why is NJ budget 25% more? New York City for 8.2 Million Residents has 1 Mayor, 51 Council Members, 1 Police Commissioner and 1 School Board Superintendent with 34 school districts. Why for 8.5 Million Residents of NJ has 566 Mayors, over 3,000 Council Members, 137 Free Holders, 80 Assembly Members, 40 State Senators, 580 Police Chiefs, 537 Municipal Courts, 681 School Superintendent offices, 5,000 Board members and 1 State Attorney General & 587 Assistant Attorney Generals besides a big battalion of other State, County & Municipal employees with little or no work appointed for political reasons?

Indian Capital Delhi for 14.6 Million residents has only 374 Elected Officials & 175,000 employees as compared to over 9,000 & 466,000 in New Jersey for 8.5 Million residents. Even Pre Independence India in 12.6 Million Sq Miles used to have 600 Princely Kingdoms for 450 million residents and New Jersey in 8,721 Sq miles has 566 Princely Kingdoms for 8.5 Million subjects/residents with 588 Governments!

NJ is legally corrupt & legally racially segregated despite having 80,000 Licensed Attorneys/Gangsters in the state; again which is highest in the world like 10 attorneys per sq miles. So many crooks from the gang of Unionized Gang posing as Politicians, Judges, Bureaucrats, Religious, Media & Business Leaders with conflicting agendas are in perfect unison to loot New Jersey . The NJ Political Philharmonic Orchestra of Unionized Gang must be the world’s most amazing cacophony of rogues, rascals and robbers.

The time has come to send all the members of NJ’s Unionized Gang for observation. Only psychiatrists can explain their behavior.Their acts have no rational explanation. They suffers from a loss of touch with reality. Temporary or permanent insanity. Paranoia. Schizophrenia. Memory loss. Loss of judgment.

I challenge Mainstream US Media, Politicians, Hollywood & Wall Street for open discussion and will use their data to prove it American Political, Business, Religious, Media Leaders and Judiciary are more corrupt & racist. Especially NJ this state is legally corrupt & legally racially segregated under siege by the leaders of a minority community who are the de fecto Rulers of America by their control on US Congress, Banking, Commerce, Trade, Media, Hollywood, Education, Judiciary & Law enforcement.
Dave Makkar
973 416 1600 D

The Indian Panorama News New York USA & various web News Papers

We must do some serious thinking why we have Functional illiterates in our Universities?

What we are doing wrong at kindergarten, Elementary & High School Level that our students are getting behind even the students of 3rd world countries who are not even spending 10% of what we are spending on Education. Why there are more administrator, secretaries, attorneys, politicians & teachers than the Students in our Schools & Universities?

State of Delhi & capital of India for 3,035 state run schools with over 2.5 million students have only 1 Education Director. Some of the best doctors, scientist, engineers, architects, artists, computer professionals, educationists and businessmen in NJ are from Delhi State School System. NY City for 1.8 million students has 1 School Superintendent and the entire state of Texas has 7.

NJ has 681 School Board Superintendents besides 21 County Superintendents in 681 School Districts with 2,419 Schools in 566 Towns for 1.4 Million Students out of which 250,000 can not read & write and our unionized Politicians & Media says Oh they can not comprehend in basic education! Despite the fact that NJ has the highest cost $18,000.00 average & 29,000.00 in poor district to educate a student in the world.

When each school has a Principal, VP, Custodian and Superintendent. Why we need 672 Superintendents with over staffed offices and over 5,000 corrupt School Board Members elected with little over 10% voter turn out? Board of Education Members are puppets strung by the Superintendent, and have no idea of how students are treated, how teachers are evaluated but know how well to say Yeh or Nay or just keep.

Each School Board Superintendent Office is costing over a million dollars to maintain in direct cost besides the millions in retirement cost and millions they steal from students each year.

NJ’s future is in its class rooms, but that future has been mortgaged off to maintain the lavish life style of Political Appointees in the name of Superintendents, Board members, Attorneys & Secretaries, who are not needed in the first place and have nothing to do with student education. Every where in the civilized world a School is known by its Principal, science, math, physical & art education teachers and student results not by its Superintendent or Board Members or Attorney or Secretaries. This Circus of Legally corrupt political appointee Scoundrels behaving worse than hard core criminals stealing from students is found only in NJ.

We must modernize our School System for one type of Education for all students belonging to every ethnic group and color. The first order of business should be to prioritize what is important & eliminate what is no longer affordable or needed. There is no need for the 681 office of School Superintendents, Attorneys, Secretaries & over 5,000 Board Members. They must be eliminated to get rid of institutionalized corruption and racism from our education system. There must be accountability for every Principal & Teacher of each school for the performance of their students so that we do not have Functional Illiterates in our Universities
Dave Makkar


Indians are cockroaches, animals, illiterates and illegal 11TH ANNIVERSARY

Thursday 05th, September 2013 views (97563)

Indians are cockroaches, animals, illiterates and illegal 11TH ANNIVERSARY

"Indians are cockroaches, animals, illiterates and illegal go home”

Spoken by Police Union Members, spouse, friends & supporters under the PBA President Michael Shwartz to save a knuckle head Pat. Michael Dotro with a history of Racial Brutality against Indians. In 2006 to save Dotro; Edison TWP, ICE & New Jersey spent over $100,000.00 just to deport one Indian Rajnikant Parikh who complained against Dotro for Racial Brutality. They knowingly violated various State & Federal Laws including denying Fair and Open Trial even if Parikh married to US Citizen was illegally in USA; as mandated by Federal Laws. 
Michael Dotro was charged with five counts of attempted murder and aggravated arson on May 20, 2013 for setting the Fire at the Monroe home of Edison Police Capt. Mark Adeko.


First African-American Attorney General Eric Holder
11TH Anniversary Aug. 2017
Unfortunately I belong to a community represented by cowards and self serving & self proclaimed leaders for them "Indians are cockroaches, animals, illegal & go home" and “Swastika is the most hated symbol in the world” are Compliments! Ajay Patil, Viru Patel, Sapna Shah, Sam Joshi, Rajiv Prasad, Akshar Sidhana, Ravi Bhalla, Vin Gopal, Raj Mukharjee, Anand Shah, Hemant Marathe, Shanti Nara, Deep Shukla, ex-Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula, ex-Edison Councilman Dr Sudhanshu Prasad etc elected to various Public Offices in NJ; should be ashamed of themselves for not demanding a formal apology from the Edison Administration for the Racial Slurs called for Indian Community in the Municipal Complex of Edison. They have proved they are in politics for themselves not for the community. They are also proving that they have no self respect or dignity or believe in equality or basic human rights; knowing it too well these are the worst ever called racial slurs for any community for over 200 years history of America. These kind of people are nothing but boot lickers of the controllers of power in New Jersey. If they are really human beings they should not invoke the name of the Indo-American community to get elected and should not ask for their money.
Then we have premium organizations under perpetual control of self proclaimed leaders like; Hindu American Foundation, Republican Hindu Coalition, Indian Chamber of Commerce, various NJ based Hindu Temples, FIA & especially IBA that is based in Edison they also feel that the Racial Slurs called for the Indo-American community are compliments for them!   
All these guys love to be paraded in DD Parades by IBA & FIA in the name of India that has nothing to do any thing with the rich culture of India, All those who parade them selves in these Parades must know that the famous Pushkar Mela paradees will refuse to be paraded with them!
10 yr old Prachi along with her mother Rashmi and community members protesting against Racial Brutality by Racist Edison Police constable Micheal Dotro under  DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS. 

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Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and outdoor

Dave Protesting against coward & racist self proclaimed NJ Indian rather HINDU Leaders at India Day Parade for not helping victims of Racial Discrimination & Police brutality as well as for not demanding apology for the Racial Slurs against Indians. These are the worst ever called Racial Slurs for over 200 yrs history of America for any minority.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and outdoor
"Indians are cockroaches, animals, illiterates and illegal go home”
These Racial Slurs were called by Edison Police Union supporters, spouse, family members under Edison PBA President   Michael Schartz supervised by Middlesex County Prosecutor a quasi criminal Bruce Kaplan (investigator of Dr Sinha's murder & Dharun Ravi’s prank) in the presence of Print & TV Media in broad day light under the administration of Mayor Jun Choi, Democrats, Republicans and New Jersey Governor Jon S Corzine Incidentlly Michael Swartz, Bruce Kaplan & Jon Corzine; all 3 belong to the financially & politically most powerful Jewish community. 
But the Racial Epithets used against Indians are the worst ever called Racial Epithets for any community in over 200 years history of America . There is a long list of so called communal and coward Indian Leaders in India & America who have remained silent on this issue.
No Indian Leader worth the name in India and USA especially in New Jersey & New York has ever protested against these worst ever called Racial Epithets against Indians. Rather New Jersey Leaders have been honoring those who are responsible and those who called these racial slurs, publicly with community money.
It looks like all the so called leaders are taking Racial Slurs as compliments and majority of them; Hindu Leaders has gone one step further and has declared that we are Pigs with thick skin & thick blood with no character. For these reasons our blood does not boil for such minor issues like Racial Slurs, Police Brutality, Murders under racial bias and Racial Discrimination against Indians.
But we are ready to demonstrate in America against Muslims only that too in the company of Jews and are willing to write only on our own Indian blogs which local American’s don't read Anti Christian & Anti Muslim garbage! We do not believe in Honor or dignity or basic human rights of an individual from our community. We just want our ugly faces along with local racist Politicians & Police officers with community money on Indian TV & newspapers which again local Americans don’t read!
E-mail to Mayor Lankey Wednesday Nov 22, 207 1:51PM
Re: Apology Demand from Mayor Tom Lankey EDISON For Racial Slurs

Dear Mayor Lankey; this e-mail is part of numerous e-mails sent to you and Councilman Ajay Patil earlier since Oct. 01, 2017 on the above captioned subject. It is very unfortunate you, your self has failed to respond any of them. Rather your domesticized Councilman Patil has been responding them while defending you that why you should give an apology!

If you have some ethics, morality, honesty and understand the meaning of human dignity; you will realize this apology is long over due. The Racial Slurs called for Indian Community in the Municipal Complex of Edison. "Indians are cockroaches, animals, illegal & go home", till today are the worst ever called Racial Slurs for any community in over 200 years history of America. Can you justify that a “Formal Apology” for the worst ever called “Racial Slurs” for Indo-American community in the Edison Municipal Complex is not required or should not be given?

Even most recently Canadian PM Justin Justin Trudeau on May 18, 2016 gave a formal "full apology" for the Komagata Maru incident in the House of Commons to the Indian Community. The Komagata Maru incident happened in 1914 in that 376 passengers from Punjab, British India were denied entry in to Canada. This was one of several incidents in the early 20th century in which exclusion laws in Canada and the United States were used to exclude immigrants of Asian origin.

This is an old issue and you was not the Mayor at that time; as some of your supporters (Traitors from my own community) like your domesticized Councilman Ajay Patil & your close friend and campaign donor Nilesh Dasondi has pointed out, it does not mean that the issue was settled. Look at the history in the case of Japanese comfort girls patronized by US Army, Chinese Rail road workers in USA, The communist in USA all got formal Apologies from the head of the state. In the case of Jewish Holocaust; Germany gave an apology & still paying monthly maintenance/living expenses to the survivors. The Jews on their own even after almost 70 years of WW2 they are still hunting Nazi's putting them on trial and confiscating their assets.

Mayor Lankey can you do the right thing by giving Formal Apology to the Indian American Community living in Edison rather entire USA for the worst ever called racial slurs for them in the history of America to uphold your own, honesty, ethics, morality and credibility. 

Respectfully submitted, 
Devendra Makkar

Posted on Facebook Page of our own so called Media Nov 22, 2017 12:37 PM

Sunil Hali it is very unfortunate that you are trying to evade the issue of Racial slurs called for the Indo-American community in the Municipal Complex of Edison; "Indians are cockroaches, animals, illegal & go home". For God sake stop saying “Community First” unless you have lost the definition of ethics, morality, honesty, truth, human rights and human dignity.

from the Edison Administration for the Racial Slurs called for Indian Community in the Municipal Complex of Edison. All those Indo-American elected with community money & by invoking the name of the Indo-American community; like Ajay Patil, Viru Patel, Sapna Shah, Sam Joshi, Rajiv Prasad, Akshar Sidhana, Ravi Bhalla, Vin Gopal, Raj Mukharjee, Anand Shah, Hemant Marathe, Shanti Nara, Deep Shukla, ex-Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula, ex-Edison Councilman Dr Sudhanshu Prasad etc should be ashamed of themselves for not demanding a formal apology They have proved they are in politics for themselves not for the community. They are also proving that they have no self respect or dignity or believe in equality or basic human rights; knowing it too well these are the worst ever called racial slurs for any community for over 200 years history of America. These kind of people are nothing but boot lickers of the controllers of power in New Jersey. If they are really human beings they should not invoke the name of the Indo-American community to get elected and should not ask for their money.
Even most recently Canadian PM Justin Justin Trudeau on May 18, 2016 gave a formal "full apology" for the Komagata Maru incident in the House of Commons to the Indian Community. The Komagata Maru incident happened in 1914 in that 376 passengers from Punjab, British India were denied entry in to Canada. This was one of several incidents in the early 20th century in which exclusion laws in Canada and the United States were used to exclude immigrants of Asian origin.Here we have small town politicians Mayor Tom Lankey & his domesticized Councilman Ajay Patil that is refusing to give formal apologies for the worst ever called Racial Slurs to the Indo-American Community in US history in the Municipal Complex of Edison!

The so called Indo-Americans elected to various public offices in New Jersey are so shameless that they never took a stand for an 8 yrs old, 12 yrs old, women teachers, victims of marital frauds. They got elected with community money and by invoking the name of the community. The worst is Upendra Chivukula that signed the Anti Bullying Bill without reading it that is hurting the kids from minority community like ours. This BS is now enjoying a $120,000 job in the name of Indian community with the state of NJ. Unfortunately barring Ravi Bhalla all are Hindus and Bhalla started his political carrier by selling the interest of Indian community. He was paid by me from my personal funds to represent us in police brutality & racial slurs case. Coming to the so called Hindus; they can tolerate an 8 yrs old innocent child being punished & counselled for drawing a perfect Hindu Swastika along with a Christmas Tree when he was given assignment to draw some thing related to his holidays. If I would have been the educator I would have circulated his drawing as an example of Diversity all over America but unfortunately he was punished because of the BS Hindu Leaders. These shameless filthy inhuman can hear 100 times that "Swastika is the most hated symbol in the world in Bergen County Court. The fact is Swastika is a auspicious symbol for 1.6 Billion people out of the total 7.3 Billion world population. I refuse to acknowledge any type of similar graffiti or Nazi logo as Swastika. All these guys love to be paraded in DD Parades by IBA & FIA in the name of India but has nothing to do any thing with the rich culture of India, All those who parade them selves in these Parades must know that the famous Pushkar Mela paradees will refuse to be paraded with them!
For Those who are misguided on the post of Sunil Hali Nov 23, 2017 1:00 PM: 

You are on a wrong track and you do not understand at all what these Racial Slurs means and what is the gravity of the other issues including about Swastika I have raised to a so called Media person Sunil Hali. Just google it you will find that Jack Cafferty former CNN commentator made a comment, Chinese seized CNN HQ in Atlanta and CNN has to make an apology and gave undisclosed amount to settle the case. Here I belong to a community represented by cowards and self serving & self proclaimed leaders for them “Chinese are goons & Thugs”. "Indians are cockroaches, animals, illegal & go home" and “Swastika is the most hated symbol in the world” are Compliments! This matter must be put to rest and the only way is a formal apology from Edison Administration. It is very unfortunate the so called community leaders especially IBA & FIA, our so called own media  and individuals like you and Nilesh Dasondi and elected person like Ajay Patil don't want the administration to do that. You will be surprised when Keith Hahn running against Lankey agreed to a formal apology for the racial slurs; according to very reliable sources Mayor Lankey also agreed to do the same in private but our own Traitors stopped him from doing that. 
Joel Stein of Time Magazine insulting Indians & DISRESPECTING HINDU GODS

By JOEL STEIN Monday, July 05, 2010

I called James W. Hughes, policy-school dean at Rutgers University, who explained that Lyndon Johnson's 1965 immigration law raised immigration caps for non-European countries. LBJ apparently had some weird relationship with Asians in which he liked both inviting them over and going over to Asia to kill them.

After the law passed, when I was a kid, a few engineers and doctors from Gujarat moved to Edison because of its proximity to AT&T, good schools and reasonably priced, if slightly deteriorating, post–WW II housing. For a while, we assumed all Indians were geniuses. Then, in the 1980s, the doctors and engineers brought over their merchant cousins, and we were no longer so sure about the genius thing. In the 1990s, the not-as-brilliant merchants brought their even-less-bright cousins, and we started to understand why India is so damn poor.

Eventually, there were enough Indians in Edison to change the culture. At which point my townsfolk started calling the new Edisonians "dot heads." One kid I knew in high school drove down an Indian-dense street yelling for its residents to "go home to India." In retrospect, I question just how good our schools were if "dot heads" was the best racist insult we could come up with for a group of people whose gods have multiple arms and an elephant nose.

Unlike previous waves of immigrants, who couldn't fly home or Skype with relatives, Edison's first Indian generation didn't quickly assimilate (and give their kids Western names). But if you look at the current Facebook photos of students at my old high school, J.P. Stevens, which would be very creepy of you, you'll see that, while the population seems at least half Indian, a lot of them look like the Italian Guidos I grew up with in the 1980s: gold chains, gelled hair, unbuttoned shirts. In fact, they are called Guindians. Their assimilation is so wonderfully American that if the Statue of Liberty could shed a tear, she would. Because of the amount of cologne they wear.

The Indian Panorama News New York USA

Dear Editor: It looks like all Indian Organizations are taking the racial insult by Joel Stein as humorous article. May be for them it is a domestic dispute between Husband (Israeli’s) and wife (Indians) especially the Hindu & Sikh organizations. In 2009 a Israeli arms company Rafael made a promotional video to market arms & ammunition depicting over 1.2 billion Indians as helpless women and projecting them selves (Israeli’s) as macho man assuring the helpless women life long protection if they do what is asked them to do by the Israelis. In 2006 Indian’s were called “cockroaches, animals, illiterates & illegal go home by a Police Union members, supporters, spouse & family under a Jew President Michael Schwartz.

In contrast when Don Imus called the Rutgers American African women Foot Ball Team “Nappy Headed Hose” he was forced to resign from CBS & for more than 2 years could not find a job. This is same Don Imus who was counted among 25 most influential people in America in 2007. CNN Reporter Jack Caferty for his Goons comments for Chinese cost the network millions to settle the $1.3 billion law suit filed by Chinese besides seizing their head quarter in Atlanta for almost 1 day. 

Jack Cafferty former CNN commentator made a comment, “Chinese are goons & Thugs”. Chinese seized CNN HQ in Atlanta and CNN has to make an apology and gave undisclosed amount to settle the case. 

Only Indians take all racial slurs, epithets and insult as compliments to them.  I wrote to a prominent Gujrati Leader to demonstrate out side Time magazine’s office in response to his e-mail; what action to take against Stein? He has yet to reply to that mail may be he is planning to Honor Joel Stein for the compliments to Indians. On a lighter note can Joel Stein write an article on the on going human genocide of Palestinians by Israeli’s for last 64 years?

It is also very disturbing that all the Sikh, Christian & Muslim organizations of Indian origin in America, they have yet to react to all the above incidents. In America they say; we are not Indians but when it is beneficial to us we are “Indians”. 

8 yrs old Naren Modi Traumatized for drawing Hindu Swastika by Teachers in America

12 yrs old Sumit Gandhi Terrorized for demanding Equal Rights with Jews & Christians of his Town and Changes in Anti-Bullying Laws in New Jersey

Democrat Peter Capitalizing on Swastika to Terrorize Hindus?

Racism Defeated: Piyush Patel First Hindu Lieutenant sworn in NJ, USA